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Agriculture Risk management education partnerships competitive grants program

Program Funding
Total Spent
Total Obligated

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Number of Awards
Assistance Listing
Published Date
To establish a competitive grants program for the purpose of educating agricultural producers about the full range of risk management activities to enhance profitability of their operations. These activities include futures, options, agricultural trade options, crop insurance, cash forward contracting, debt reduction, production diversification, marketing plans and tactics, farm resources risk reduction, and other appropriate risk management strategies. Further the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is required to place special emphasis on risk management strategies, education, and outreach specifically targeted at: (A) beginning farmers or ranchers; (B) legal immigrant farmers or ranchers that are attempting to become established producers in the United States; (C) socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers; (D) farmers or ranchers that (i) are preparing to retire; and …

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Total Rows 534