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See how recipients are spending $150 billion from the coronavirus relief fund.

Archived Page: The content and data on this page are no longer being updated.

States, eligible local governments, Tribal governments, the District of Columbia and U.S. Territories who received funding from the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund must report on how they are spending the money. 

When submitting quarterly reports to the U.S. Department of the Treasury Office of Inspector General OIG, recipients can select from a list of 18 spending categories, such as payroll for public health and safety employees, improve telework for public employees, medical expenses, and distance learning.  

Other spending categories

Recipients also had the option of selecting the “Items Not Listed Above” category, which allowed them to manually enter their own descriptions on how they are spending the funding.  

 This visualization represents the top 50 spending categories manually entered by recipients.

Top 50 spending categories
Visualizations by the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee based on data from the U.S. Department of the Treasury Office of Inspector General



Page last modified: 07/03/2024
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