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Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA)

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PRAC Unveils Five More Key Lessons Learned from Over Two Years of Pandemic Oversight

Michael E. Horowitz, Chair of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC), announced the release of an update to Lessons Learned in Oversight of Pandemic Relief Funds with five additional lessons.

After a slow start, states are now spending rental assistance at a steady rate.

Households struggling to pay rent or utility bills received relief from the $25 billion Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA1) program. State and local governments were responsible for administering the funds, which they began receiving in January 2021. The American Rescue Plan Act added $21 billion more to the program (ERA2) in March 2021.

Update: How much has each state spent on rental assistance?

Households struggling to pay rent or utility bills received relief from the December 2020 passage of the $25 billion Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA1) program. State and local governments began receiving ERA1 funding in January 2021. The American Rescue Plan Act added $21 billion more to the program (ERA2)

Ringleader of COVID-19 relief fraud scheme sentenced to federal prison

CINCINNATI – Joseph Lentine III, 55, of Cincinnati, was sentenced in U.S. District Court to 63 months in prison for orchestrating a COVID-19 relief fraud scheme involving millions of dollars.

Missouri Man Accused of $284,000 Pandemic Rental Assistance Fraud

An indictment accuses Steven Hendren of submitting fraudulent applications for rental assistance to the Missouri Housing Development Commission.

Fort Wayne Woman Sentenced to 50 Months in Prison

Kapaa Woman Indicted for Scheme to Defraud Coronavirus Rental and Utility Assistance Program

HONOLULU – On December 12, 2024, a federal grand jury returned an eight-count indictment against Kaiaulani C. Kaiawe, also known as Coty K. Duhaylongsod, 46, of Kapaa, Hawaii, charging Kaiawe with wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, and money laundering in connection with fraudulent claims for pandemic-related rental and utility assistance.