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Key Insights: Health Care Staffing Shortages


The COVID-19 pandemic put an unprecedented strain on our health care system. We surveyed more than 300 facilities across four federal health care programs to see if they had enough medical staff during the pandemic.

We surveyed the following facilities:

  • Department of Defense (DOD) medical treatment facilities 
  • Federal Bureau of Prisons institutions
  • Veterans Health Administration facilities
  • Medicare– and Medicaid–certified nursing homes

Read the full report.

By the numbers

4: Federal health care programs reviewed

1.2 million: Health care employees

20 million: Approx. population served

17,000: Approx. number of facilities

310: Facilities surveyed

Staffing shortages were reported across federal health care facilities.

A lack of nurses and medical officers was the most reported staffing shortage. In fact, 94% of the nursing homes we surveyed reported a nursing shortage during the pandemic. The graph shows other federal health care facilities we surveyed reported similar nursing shortages.

Common Factors that Contributed to Staffing Shortages

Contributing Factor DOD Medical Treatment Facilities Bureau of Prisons Institutions VHA Facilities Medicare– and Medicaid–Certified Nursing Homes
Limited Labor Pool
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
Noncompetitive Pay
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
COVID-19 Requirements
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
Challenging Hiring Process
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive
blue dot indicating positive

The pandemic made it more difficult to maintain staffing.

Although shortages existed before the pandemic, they became worse during the crisis. Many facilities struggled to maintain adequate staffing because employees were exposed to COVID-19 and were required to quarantine - in some cases, for up to two weeks. 

Officials from 33 nursing homes said some staff quit their jobs because they didn’t want to contract COVID-19 and potentially expose family members.

Lack of staff affected patient satisfaction and employees’ mental health. It also cost agencies money.

An estimated 80% of federal prisoners rated the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Prisons' medical care as “poor” during the pandemic. Meanwhile, the agency had to pay its staff more than $15 million in overtime during the first year of the pandemic – a 64% increase from the prior year.

Working in high-stress environments took an emotional toll on employees across the four programs we reviewed. Some reported either an increase in anxiety, depression, and/or burnout. 

Federal facilities had a hard time competing with the private sector for employees.

Officials at one Department of Defense military hospital said that the private sector offered $33,000 more annually than the federal government for a similar nursing job in the same community. 

To maintain staffing, some federal health care programs offered bonuses, retention pay, student loan repayment, and flexible work hours.

Congress helped, too. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, increased the amount of pay for certain health care professions within the Veterans Health Administration.

Read the full report.

Collaborating Offices of Inspectors General

The PRAC’s Health Care Subgroup consists of Inspectors General who oversee the federal agencies that provide or reimburse for health care services. This review was performed by the Offices of Inspectors General at the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

official seals of the department of defense office of inspector general and department of justice office of the inspector general
seals of the department of veterans affairs office of inspector general and department of health & human services office of inspector general
Page last modified: 11/06/2023
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