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Search reports, investigative results, and agency plansShowing 1 - 10 of 54 results
Michigan Office of the Auditor General

Performance Audit Report: COVID-19 Expenditures

Section 204, Public Act 67 of 2020 effective March 30, 2020, requires the Office of the Auditor General to audit the use of funds appropriated for coronavirus public health emergency – health care capacity, coronavirus public health emergency, and coronavirus response fund and report to the chair of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees at a minimum of every month on the appropriateness of the preceding month’s expenditures until the funds are expended. In order to provide a more complete picture of the total spending on COVD-19, our audit scope includes all COVID-19 coded...
Arizona Auditor General

Performance Audit and Sunset Review: Arizona Commerce Authority

This report reviewed the performance of the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA), which administers the Arizona Coronavirus Relief Fund (Fund). The Fund was established to receive donations and provide financial support to organizations working to mitigate the impact of the pandemic in Arizona. Through the review of more than $7.8 million of the total $10.2 million distributed from the Fund, the audit identified that most of these monies were used for PPE for frontline medical personnel. Additionally, the review of 15 grant awards totaling $2.5 million to nonprofit organizations found that the ACA...
Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

In fiscal year 2021-22, The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) administered 30 economic development programs through which it allocated $58.0 million in tax credits, awarded $91.3 million in grants and $4.8 million in loans, and authorized local governments to issue $53.4 million in bonds. A portion of these funds were provided through the CARES Act and were used to support the state’s response to the pandemic. Through their biennial financial audit and program evaluation of WEDC, the Wisconsin Legislative Audit Burau found that, among other things, five grants totaling $50,000...
North Carolina Office of the State Auditor

Office of State Budget and Management: State Fiscal Recovery Fund Preliminary Financial Audit

The objectives of this audit were to determine whether the Office of State Budget and Management’s North Carolina Pandemic Recovery Office designed and implemented procedures to ensure that State Fiscal Recovery Funds were being spent in accordance with State Fiscal Recovery Fund legislation and programs that received State Fiscal Recovery Funds were achieving their legislatively intended result. We found that $635 million of State Fiscal Recovery Funds were distributed with limited monitoring and $635 million of State Fiscal Recovery Funds were distributed without ensuring recipients had a...
New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller

An Investigation Into New Jersey City University's Financial Emergency

New Jersey City University senior administrators submitted a budget for approval by the Board of Trustees (the Board) that proposed using nearly $14 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds to pay for an existing institutional scholarship program. The Office of the State Comptroller found that the University's former administrators were aware that using federal COVID-19 relief funding from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund to fund the existing institutional scholarship program likely violated federal law. Nevertheless, rather than presenting a budget that reflected the University’s...
Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor

COVID-19-Related Emergency Purchases Performance Audit

We conducted this audit to determine whether state entities complied with significant finance-related legal requirements regarding emergency purchasing. We audited emergency purchases entered into by state entities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic from January 1, 2020, through April 30, 2021, and the expenditures applied against those purchases through December 31, 2021. State entities generally complied with the significant finance-related legal requirements we tested. However, we identified some specific instances of noncompliance related to obtaining and using emergency purchasing...
Maryland State Legislative Audits

Audit Report: Department of General Services Office of State Procurement

As part of our fiscal compliance audit of the Department of General Services – Office of State Procurement (OSP) for the period beginning October 16, 2018 and ending October 31, 2021, we found that OSP did not always conduct emergency procurements in compliance with State procurement regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our test of four emergency procurements for commodities and information technology services valued at $54.9 million awarded between March 2020 and May 2021 disclosed that OSP could not provide documentation of the basis for the purchases (such as justification for the use...
Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau

Administration of Certain Supplement Federal Funds: Department of Health Services

From March 2020 through June 2022, the Department of Health Services (DHS) awarded $159.6 million in program grants to 1,431 long-term health care and emergency medical services providers. We question $518,700 that DHS paid to 10 grant applicants that did not submit sufficient documentation to support their grant applications or the grant amounts they requested. We provide recommendations to DHS to improve how it administers its grant programs and its Ventilator Stewardship program. We also recommend DHS improve how its Office of Inspector General ensures program integrity.
North Carolina Office of the State Auditor

North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management: Statewide Federal Compliance Audit Procedures for the Year Ended June 30, 2022

The North Carolina Pandemic Recovery Office, a division of the Office of State Budget and Management, did not adequately monitor $159.9 million in federal funds used for expenditures incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Auditors reviewed the monitoring procedures over subrecipients of state agencies that expended coronavirus relief funds. The office's monitoring procedures required monthly reviews of these subrecipients’ expenditure reports. However, auditors found no evidence of this review. Inadequate monitoring increases the risk that federal funds may not be used in accordance with the...
Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau

State of Wisconsin FY 2021-22 Single Audit

In FY 2021-22, state agencies administered $20.2 billion in federal financial assistance, including $5.9 billion that was expended related to the public health emergency and that was separately identified in the State’s Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards. Our audit focused on 22 federal programs that accounted for 58.9 percent of the federal financial assistance administered. We provided an unmodified opinion on federal compliance for 21 of the programs we reviewed. However, we again qualified our opinion on compliance for certain requirements related to the Emergency Rental Assistance...