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Data & Interactive Tools

The government has spent over $5 trillion responding to the pandemic – that’s hard to wrap your head around.

We’re here to help.  

Read our data stories.

The best way to understand how your taxpayer dollars are being spent is to dive into the data. Use our visualizations to see who received pandemic relief money and what they spent it on.

Data Stories

How much unemployment insurance went to each state?

Millions of Americans were out of work during the pandemic, especially in its earliest days. In April 2020, the unemployment rate hit 15 percent. To help people who were unemployed, Congress passed three unemployment assistance programs. Two of the programs increased existing benefits, while the other expanded benefits to people like self-employed and gig workers, who typically aren’t eligible. As of April, 2022, approximately $664 billion had gone out to the states. See how much unemployment insurance your state received.

Veterans' programs received $34.4 billion in pandemic relief. Learn how the money's being spent.

The spread and uncertainty of the pandemic increased stress and anxiety for many veterans, especially for those who experienced homelessness or mental health issues, such as PTSD. To help, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) received $34.4 billion, much of which was aimed at assisting states, nonprofits, and other organizations build nursing homes and facilities for veterans facing homelessness.
Page last modified: 11/06/2023