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Find data on the top ten industries receiving contracts funded by pandemic relief.


Organizations receiving contracts from the federal government are classified by types of industries based on the North American Industry Classification System. These categories allow the government to understand the kinds of businesses receiving federal contracts.  For example, the Department Health & Human Services gave a contract for ventilators to Ventec Life Systems, Inc., which is classified in the “Surgical and medical instrument manufacturing” category. The Department of Education gave a COVID-19 testing kits contract to Emed Labs, LLC, which is classified as “medical laboratories.” 

Select a state from the dropdown menu to see the top ten industries in the state and how much has been obligated and spent for each industry.  

NOTE: This data is from and is updated daily, based on data reported by the awarding agencies. The PRAC is aware of certain data limitations. For additional information regarding any of the listed contracts in the data, please contact the issuing agency.

To see all contract spending and the recipients, visit the All Pandemic Awards Dashboard and select "Contract" in the Award Type filter.

Page last modified: 11/06/2023
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