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How Use of the Do Not Pay System Can Prevent and Detect Fraud

In our January Fraud Alert, we provided a targeted selection of social security numbers (SSNs) to the Social Security Administration (SSA) for verification, and they confirmed 20,404 belonged to deceased people, but dates of death were not included. To conduct further analysis, we collaborated with the Department of Treasury’s Do Not Pay (DNP) system to match these 20,404 SSNs against various death data sources to determine the date of death for each SSN-owner.

PRAC Issues Fraud Alert Follow-Up: Improved Data Sharing and Agencies’ Use of the Do Not Pay System Would Strengthen Program Integrity

The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) issued a Fraud Alert follow-up that shows the potential benefits of agencies using the Department of Treasury’s (Treasury) Do Not Pay (DNP) system to prevent and detect fraud.

Tax Preparer And Client Charged With $13 Million Paycheck Protection Program Fraud Scheme