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Search reports, investigative results, and agency plansShowing 41 - 50 of 321 results
Washington Office of the State Auditor

Financial Statements and Federal Single Audit Report for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021: Kitsap County

In our Financial Statements and Federal Single Audit, we identified, among other things, that during fiscal year 2021, Kitsap County spent $8,109,337 and $4,695,965 in CRF and ERA program funds, respectively. To fulfill components of both programs’ objectives, the County passed $6,548,816 in CRF and $4,664,258 in ERA funds through to subrecipients to provide emergency rental assistance to eligible households. The subrecipients were responsible for determining which households were eligible to receive funds and then providing assistance to them. The County requested and obtained supporting...
North Carolina Office of the State Auditor

Office of State Budget and Management State Fiscal Recovery Fund Preliminary Financial Audit

The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) accounted for, allocated, and disbursed amounts appropriated to the State Fiscal Recovery Fund in accordance with State Fiscal Recovery Fund legislation. The audit found that OSBM accounted for, allocated, and disbursed amounts appropriated to the State of North Carolina’s State Fiscal Recovery Fund in accordance with State Fiscal Recovery Fund legislation. As of June 30, 2022, OSBM allocated a total of $5.4 billion of State Fiscal Recovery Funds.
Missouri Office of the State Auditor

Federal American Rescue Plan Act Funding for COVID-19 Recovery October 2022

The primary objective of this report is to show Missouri's spending of federal assistance from the American Rescue Plan Act in the month of October 2022 for the COVID-19 recovery and the cumulative financial activity since the state began receiving funding in May 2021.
Missouri Office of the State Auditor

Federal Funding for COVID-19 Response October 2022

The primary objective of this report is to show Missouri's spending of federal assistance in the month of October 2022 for the COVID-19 emergency and the cumulative financial activity since the state began receiving funding in April 2020.
Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau

University of Wisconsin System FY 2021-22

We provided unmodified audit opinions on University of Wisconsin (UW) System’s FY 2021-22 financial statements, including its aggregate discretely presented component units. We also completed a limited-scope review of how UW institutions administered supplemental federal funds from three sources. We found that UW institutions used $239,200 from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund for costs that were unallowable by criteria that the federal government established. In addition, we recommend UW System Administration improve its oversight of a new computer application.
Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau

State of Wisconsin FY 2021-22 Financial Statements

We provided unmodified audit opinions on the State of Wisconsin’s FY 2021-22 financial statements. These financial statements are included in the State’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. We reported seven significant deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting, and we made 24 recommendations to state agencies. We also reviewed certain aspects of the federal funding the State received for the public health emergency, and we included in our report certain other matters of interest related to the State’s activities in FY 2021-22.
Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau

Decisions About the Use of Supplemental Federal Funds (Department of Administration)

As requested by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, we have completed a limited-scope review of how the Department of Administration (DOA) used supplemental federal funds provided in response to the public health emergency. DOA paid $2.2 billion to other state agencies and spent $1.5 billion on its own programs. As of June 30, 2022, $1.8 billion in discretionary funds were remaining. In December 2022, DOA indicated it had plans for using most of these funds.
Missouri Office of the State Auditor

Federal Funding for COVID-19 Response July 2022

The primary objective of this report is to show Missouri's spending of federal assistance in the month of July 2022 for the COVID-19 emergency and the cumulative financial activity since the state began receiving funding in April 2020.
Missouri Office of the State Auditor

Federal American Rescue Plan Act Funding for COVID-19 Recovery July 2022

The primary objective of this report is to show Missouri's spending of federal assistance from the American Rescue Plan Act in the month of July 2022 for the COVID-19 recovery and the cumulative financial activity since the state began receiving funding in May 2021.
Missouri Office of the State Auditor

Federal Funding for COVID-19 Response August 2022

The primary objective of this report is to show Missouri's spending of federal assistance in the month of August 2022 for the COVID-19 emergency and the cumulative financial activity since the state began receiving funding in April 2020.