Audit of the Utilization of ARPA Information Technology Modernization Funds at the Railroad Retirement Board
Office on Violence Against Women's Administration Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
The OIG is conducting an audit of the Office on Violence Against Women’s Grant Administration due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The preliminary objectives are to assess: (1) the grant administration and monitoring during the pandemic and (2) the guidance and assistance provided to grant recipients for addressing any increased risks to effective program implementation and to violence against women.
Audit of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Adequacy of Plans and Use of Funds Provided under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act
COVID 19: Audit of States' Use of Staffing to Support Implementation of CARES Act UI Programs
COVID 19: Audit of Emergency Unemployment Relief for Government Entities and Non-Profit Organizations Program (EURGENO)
Desk Review of Puerto Rico
The objective of this desk review is to evaluate Puerto Rico's documentation supporting the uses of its Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) proceeds as reported in GrantSolutions and to assess risk of unallowable use of funds. The scope of our review will include obligation and expenditure data for the period of March 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
Review of VHA’s Telehealth Billing Practices for Community Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Management advisory memorandum detailing the growth of community telehealth claims and the associated risks.
COVID-19: Audit of the Temporary Full Federal Funding of Regular Compensation Program
Disaster Preparedness of Federal Agencies
HUD OIG will summarize the conclusions/findings and recommendations reported by seven participating OIGs and the General Accountability Office related to natural disaster preparedness. Our objective is to inform Federal agencies and the OIG community of the reported conclusions/findings and recommendations regarding preparing for and responding to natural disasters.
Audit of DOL’s Oversight of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program’s Emergency Administrative Grant
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law and included a division coined the Emergency Unemployment Insurance Stabilization Access Act of (EUISSA) 2020. The EUISSA authorizes the Department of Labor (DOL) to transfer emergency administrative grants (grants0 to states’ Unemployment Trust Fund for the amount of $1 billion to administer its Unemployment Insurance (UI) program. DOL to date has provided the $1 billion in grants to states to administer the UI program. This audit will determine if DOL provided adequate oversight of states’ use of emergency administrative grant funds authorized under the EUISSA 2020.