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Search reports, investigative results, and agency plansShowing 11 - 20 of 321 results
Arizona Auditor General

Performance Audit and Sunset Review: Arizona Commerce Authority

This report reviewed the performance of the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA), which administers the Arizona Coronavirus Relief Fund (Fund). The Fund was established to receive donations and provide financial support to organizations working to mitigate the impact of the pandemic in Arizona. Through the review of more than $7.8 million of the total $10.2 million distributed from the Fund, the audit identified that most of these monies were used for PPE for frontline medical personnel. Additionally, the review of 15 grant awards totaling $2.5 million to nonprofit organizations found that the ACA...
New Jersey Office of the State Auditor

Department of Labor and Workforce Development Division of Unemployment (July 1, 2019 to January 31, 2023)

We found the division’s internal controls over the review and processing of unemployment insurance (UI) claims were adequate, and the division was in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. However, in making these determinations, we identified weaknesses in the division’s monitoring of the call center contract, marketing of the Shared Work Program (SWP), request for proposal of collection and disbursement services, and closing of nonmonetary adjudication cases. In addition, our analysis of the significant number of UI claims beginning March 2020 and its impact on the division’s...
North Carolina Office of the State Auditor

Department of Commerce (Division of Employment Security): Improper Unemployment Benefit Payments

The objective of this audit was to determine whether the Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security (DES) limited improper payments to less than 10 percent of paid claims as required by the U.S. Department of Labor, and if not to identify the impact and causes of improper payments. DES reported that the improper unemployment insurance payment rate averaged 18 percent during the period of April 1, 2016, through March 31, 2021. The Auditor noted that DES management should implement U.S. Department of Labor recommendations, best practices, and strategies to limit DES’s improper...
Mississippi Office of the State Auditor

Mississippi’s Historic Unemployment Fraud

The Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) administers Mississippi’s unemployment benefits programs. With the influx of jobless claims and COVID relief aid as a result of the pandemic, total unemployment benefit claims increased from $59.6 million in FY 2019 to $2.1 billion in FY 2020. With this infusion of money came massive fraud and misspending. For example, from FY 2020 to FY 2021, known overpayments increased from $118 million to $474 million. The massive loss of money from Mississippi’s unemployment fund is partially the result of MDES bypassing or altering their own...
Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

In fiscal year 2021-22, The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) administered 30 economic development programs through which it allocated $58.0 million in tax credits, awarded $91.3 million in grants and $4.8 million in loans, and authorized local governments to issue $53.4 million in bonds. A portion of these funds were provided through the CARES Act and were used to support the state’s response to the pandemic. Through their biennial financial audit and program evaluation of WEDC, the Wisconsin Legislative Audit Burau found that, among other things, five grants totaling $50,000...
District of Columbia Office of the Auditor

Controls Lacking in CARES Act/Coronavirus Relief Fund Spending

EFPR Group, CPA's PLLC, has been engaged by the Office of the District of Columbia Auditor to assess whether the $495 million received by the District of Columbia from the Coronavirus Relief Fund which was established under the CARES Act were spent in compliance with Federal and District of Columbia laws and regulations. As part of the scope of this engagement, the receipt of the $495 million was observed and analyzed to verify that the District of Columbia received the maximum available from Federal legislation.
Illinois Office of the Auditor General

Performance Audit of the Illinois Department of Employment Security Unemployment Insurance Programs

On September 1, 2021, the Legislative Audit Commission adopted Resolution Number 158 requiring a performance audit of the unemployment programs administered by the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) during the period of March 1, 2020, to September 6, 2021. The audit found that overpayments (which include fraud, non-fraud, and identity theft) were an issue in both the regular UI and PUA programs. IDES reported overpayments for FY20 to FY22 that totaled $5.24 billion; regular UI accounted for $2.04 billion and PUA accounted for $3.20 billion. Considering gross benefits associated...
Illinois Office of the Auditor General

State of Illinois Department of Employment Security: Individual Nonshared Proprietary Fund Financial Statements For the Year Ended June 30, 2022

The audit of the accompanying financial statements of the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund of the State of Illinois, Department of Employment Security Department was performed by RSM US LLP as of and for the year ended June 30, 2022. Based on their audit, the auditors expressed a qualified opinion on the Department's Statement of Net Position and a disclaimer of opinion on the Department's Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position and Cash Flows. Among their other findings was material weakness and noncompliance regarding the failure to maintain accurate and complete...
Arizona Auditor General

Follow Up: Arizona School Districts' and Charter Schools', and ADE's Discretionary, COVID-19 Federal Relief Spending - In Fiscal Year 2022 and in Total Through June 30, 2022

This special report provides summary information and four interactive dashboards with Arizona school districts' and chart schools' reported spending in fiscal year 2022 and in total through June 30, 2022, and planned future spending of allocated/awarded COVID-19 federal relief monies as required by law. In total, districts and charters reported spending $2.2 billion, or almost half of their relief monies through June 30, 2022.
District of Columbia Office of the Auditor

D.C. Nursing Homes Saw Better Outcomes than Elsewhere During Early COVID-19 Waves

The purpose of this audit was to compare D.C. nursing homes to surrounding jurisdictions and national rates to summarize how D.C. nursing homes responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. When compared to the national average, D.C. nursing homes experienced lower resident case and death rates in the late summer and early fall of 2020 relative to the national average during that same time. D.C. also experienced lower staff case rates than the national average prior to the Alpha wave and similar staff case rates after the Alpha wave.